165 Bethany Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
School Office Hours 7:30 am - 2:45 pm
You can purchase RaiseRight gift cards at School either by coming into the building during school/parish office hours or by sending the completed form and payment in with your child. If you send the form in with your child, we will send the gift cards home with your child as well. Please complete the Counter Sales Form and enclose it, with payment, in an envelope marked RaiseRight Counter Sales. Checks should be made out to St. Benedict School.RAISERIGHT SPECIAL ORDER FORM
If you wish to purchase any of the hundreds of RaiseRight gift cards found on the RaiseRight website, please check the website https://www.raiseright.com for card availability and denomination availability. Then complete the Special Order Form which can be found below under FORMS. We need 2 copies of the Order Form, one to return to you with your order and the other for our records. Enclose the forms and payment in an envelope marked RAISERIGHT ORDER. Send the order in to SBS by Tuesday morning (9:30am). Orders will be placed and will be available for pick up the following Tuesday, if not sooner. Gift cards can be sent home with your child. Please indicate on the bottom of the form whether you want us to send the gift cards or hold them for you to pick up.