Monday- Art Tuesday- Gym Wednesday- Music Thursday- Art Friday- Gym
Communication is key for a sucessful year!
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS & check out our class dojo page regularly to see all the amazing things happening in KB!
*our class is a rainbow of possibilities*
*Helpful hints for at home learning -
*Math- ask your children to describe things in everyday life using our latest math words: above, under, on, between, left right, middle. practice writing numbers to 30. Ask them to count/sort objects to 50!
*ELA - Practice the letter-keyword-sound and handwriting for all lowercase and uppercase letters. ask your children which lines the letters touch - they should be able to "skywrite" and explain each one.
*winter (extra) HOMEWORK - TAP, BLEND, AND READ THE (CVC) WORDS THAT ARE BEING SENT HOME. USE THE WORDS IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE! draw a picture that shows the meaning of the words.