165 Bethany Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
School Office Hours 7:30 am - 2:45 pm
Azul - blue Anaranjado - orange
Rojo - red Morado - purple
Amarillo - yellow Verde - green
Date, days of the week, months and seasons.
Hola - Hello Adios - Good-by
Como te llamas?- What is your name?
Me llamo... - My name is...
Como estas? - How are you?
Bien - well/ Fine Mal - bad/ Not well Asi-asi - so-so
Amigo/ amiga - Friend
Buenosdias - Good morning
Buenastardes - Good afternoon
Buenasnoches - Good night/ good evening
In Kindergarten we will learn colors, numbers, shapes, animals, family members, body parts, clothes, food, weather, days of the week, months and seasons. We will also learn some traditions and customs from Spanish speaking countries.
What is coming up next:
silla - chair mesa - table
pisarra - chalkboard libro - book
lapiz - pencil borrador - eraser
Don't forget:
camisa - shirt pantalones - pants
vestido - dress calcetines - socks
zapatos - shoes gorro - cap
Cabeza - Head Brazos - Arms
Piernas - Legs Pies - Feet
Manos - Hands Dedos - Fingers/toes
Cuerpo - Body
Ojos - Eyes Nariz - Nose Boca - Mouth
Orejas - Ears Cara - Face Pelo - Hair
Cabeza - Head Dientes - Teeth
Gato - Cat Pato - Duck Perro - Dog
Vaca - Cow Gallina - Chicken Cerdo - Pig
Los Numeros 0-20 (the Numbers 0-20)
0 cero
1 uno 11 once
2 dos 12 doce
3 tres 13 trece
4 cuatro 14 catorce
5 cinco 15 quince
6 seis 16 dieciseis
7 siete 17 diecisiete
8 ocho 18 dieciocho
9 nueve 19 diecinueve
10 diez 20 veinte
(good you tube video for numbers from 0-20)
Cuadrado - Square Triangulo - Triangle
Rectangulo - Rectangle Circulo - Circle
(songs and videos to review the Shapes in Spanish)
Azul - blue Anaranjado - orange
Rojo - red Morado - purpple
Amarillo - yellow Verde - green